We're glad your here and we're excited to give you your FREE curriculum packet full of a booklist, detailed lesson plans, and exclusive curriculum from Charlotte Mason's Alveary. Click HERE to download your Welcome Kit which will lead you through all the resources you need to move forward in homeschooling your students during these unusual times.
You can also access these materials on the Emergency Alveary home page which you will be redirected to after logging in. The page is also located under CURRICULUM and then as a dropdown labeled "Resources" under "Emergency Alveary Curriculum Packet."
Also, if you're interested in taking advantage of our wealth of teacher-training resources and/or would like to become a member for the 2020-21 school year, register here! We'd love to have you join us.
For now, though, give yourself grace as you plan for this unexpected season, take each day one at a time, and enjoy the feast of ideas in Charlotte Mason's Alveary.
Login here: https://charlottemasoninstitute.org/member-log-in/